Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Meet My New Snails :D

Hi Guys!

So a lot has been happening recently which forced me to take a little break from pretty much everything.
For those of you who follows me on YouTube, you already know that one of my rats passed away.
I took that really hard and I needed a while to get back into things.

But that´s not what this post will be about.
I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to my new snails :D

I was browsing a local site called "Blocket" it´s kinda like Craigslist.
And I looked under the animal section and came across these guys that needed a new home :D

The lady who sold them had bought them for her daughter but her daughter thought they were a bit creepy to deal with so they needed to get rid of them.

I've always wanted these giant land snails, and if you have seen my Expo videos you have probably noticed that I always film them while I´m there.
So I was really excited to find them and I thought that I could give them a nice new home.

I actually ended up getting them for free and she was even kind enough to drive to my home and drop them off, she just wanted them to end up in a nice place :D

She did tell me that there might be eggs already in the enclosure and I did a quick check to see if I could spot any eggs.
Apparently I didn't check the substrate enough cause a few days later when I was going to clean the enclosure I noticed something on the shell on one of the snails:

So this was what greeted me when I opened up the enclosure, two little snail babies.
My first thought was: well maybe only a few of them has hatched and I will have the time to get the eggs out of there before more of them hatch..

That didn't happen.
One after the other started to emerge from the substrate.
At that point I was freaking out a bit cause I was not prepared for snail babies at all.
I mean I know they lay eggs constantly but I thought that I would have a few days to make up a plan of what I would do with the snails once that happened.

I sent a text to my dear friend Bonnie (Bonniebadgers on YouTube) and told her what I found in the enclosure and she said that she would love to have some.
So 3 of the snail babies went to live with her :D
That made me so happy cause I know she will take really good care of them.

After that I called up Uffe at Tropikhuset and asked him if he could take some of them.
People use the eggs and the small snails to feed there Turtles and bigger Lizards, but I don´t have any turtles or large lizards myself.

We made a deal that I would keep all the snail babies until they grew to around 1-2 cm in size (size of the shell)

So yesterday I went over to Tropikhuset and dropped off 70! snail babies.
I kept 5 of them for myself, I would have loved to keep all of them but that would be impossible.
Specially since the adults have already started laying new eggs in the enclosure.

Eventually I will try and sell some of them, maybe at the Expo or something like that.
But they are easier to sell once they are bigger and I just couldn't keep that many at home.

I will update you guys in a few days with some pictures of how big the snail babies are now, they eat and grow like crazy!

Anyways I hope you are all doing well! :D

This was all for this time.

Take Care!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Meet Yoga!

Hi Guys!

So today I wanted to introduce you to one of my new little pets.
I should have posted this over a week ago, but a lot of things has been going on so I couldn't find the time to sit down and actually do this.

But here we go!

This is Yoga, my little female orchid mantis :D
I got her at the last expo, I didn't know that she was a female at the time, we picked the one that seemed to have the most energy.

But when I got home and we could take a better look at her, we found out that she´s a little girl.

It´s pretty easy to tell with these guys, I went over it a bit on my YouTube channel when I introduced her.
But in short, there´s a difference in the number of segments on their abdomen between the males and the females.
Also you can´t see it in this picture but on her "neck/back" she has a green little band.
That band on the males are more brownish in color.

And lastly if you look closely between her eyes you can spot a tiny "unicorn", that´s something that only the females have :D

So why the name Yoga, well I went over that in the video as well.
When I first got her out and tried to feed her she started to stretch her legs in really weird positions, which kinda looked like she was doing some sort of yoga, so that´s how she got her name :D

I´m over the moon about this little bug.
I've wanted an orchid mantis for such a long time, I think they are absolutely stunning :D

So if you want to see a bit more of her I will leave the link to the video right here - Yoga

So that was all for this time, now I have to get the next video ready :D

Take Care Guys!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

I´m Back!

So now when the Expo is over I finally have the time to catch up with this Blog.
I have had so much to do before and after the Expo :D

I got so many new awesome pets at the Expo and I have been working on rehousing them all and filming the process of rehousing them.

Today I will try and upload the first Pick up video from the expo, and after that I will start to post the individual rehousing videos.
So I really hope that you will enjoy those videos.

Right after this I will make sure to go over the YouTube video part of this blog and make sure that all the recent videos are added on to that list :D

So I guess that was all for now.
I hope you guys are doing great and that you had a nice Easter and everything like that :D

Talk to you soon again!

Take Care!!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Way Behind on Updates

Hi Guys!

I´m sorry that I haven't been able to update the blog in a week, things have been super hectic around here.
You can find all the links under the "YouTube Updates" part of this page.

The Expo is at the end of this week and hopefully after that I will be able to catch up with everything :D

I have a ton of videos planned as well so I hope you look forward to that as much as I do :D

Until then 

Take Care Guys!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

I Have Some Sad News

Hi Guys!

Let´s start out with sharing the link to the most recent video on YouTube - Feeding Time

Unfortunately this video did not turn out at all as planned.
Right from the start I knew that I had some sad news that I wanted to share with you guys.
Three days prior to filming this video I found my tiny E. murinus sling in a death curl, I immediately moved it over to a ICU enclosure.

Basically that´s just a container with raised humidity, and at first that seemed to help it out and for a second I thought that it might pull through but then it curled back up again.
So I tried to place it on a shelf where the temperature was a bit higher, and again it seemed to bounce back.
I kept that up for three whole days before it eventually passed away.

So that were the all the sad news that I thought I had to tell you guys about.
But then in the middle of filming the feeding video I took my beautiful female juvenile chordatus off the shelf only to find that she had passed away.

She was not laying in a death curl or anything like that, I would describe it looking more like a molt had gone wrong except it´s been almost a month since she molted and she ate just last week and she was perfectly fine.
So yeah after finding her like that I just felt that I can´t go on with filming this video cause there is no way that I can pretend like everything is fine.

So I just wanted to say again that I am really and truly sorry that this video turned out the way it did.
And also I want to say a Huge thanks to each and every one of you for your amazing support in the comments to this video.
You guys are really amazing!

Thank you and Take Care!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Top 5 Favorite Tarantulas ft. Tarantula Kat

Hi Guys!

Sorry for the late update, here´s the link to the latest video on YouTube - Top 5 Favorite Tarantulas ft. Tarantula Kat

I had so much fun making this video together with Kat, she has such an amazing collection of tarantulas and she was kind enough to get her gorgeous Grammostola iheringi on video for me :D

It was really hard to pick 5 favorites.
My list of favorites constantly change, I keep a lot of slings and as soon as they get their adult colors it´s like a completely different tarantula.

But in the end I do absolutely adore all of my tarantulas and other animals.
But it´s always fun to make different videos and letting you guys know the reasons why I chose a specific tarantula as a favorite that time :D

So I hope you will enjoy this video, and a huge thank you if you have already seen it :D

Take Care Guys!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sling Collection Tour and a Few Feeding Clips

Hi Guys!

So here it is, the latest YouTube video - Tarantula Slings Tour + Feeding Video

It´s been a while since I posted a longer video, I know many of you don´t have the time to sit down and watch a 20 minute video.
But you guys have been asking me for a tour of my animals so I thought that I would combine that with the Friday Feeding videos.

Next Friday I will feature the juveniles and maybe the sub-adults as well.
That video will probably not be as long as this one, but you never know :D

Well I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will talk to you again soon.

Take Care and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Quick Update

Hi Guys!

So I just wanted to post a quick little update video for you guys, I have been busy filming for a special video that will be uploaded on Friday.

So I thought that I could show you a little of what I have done and so on :D

I hope you enjoyed this little update even if it was really short.
If you haven´t checked it out already and you want to, here´s the link - A Quick Update

Take Care Guys and I´ll see you on Friday!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Hungry Tarantulas

Hi Guys!

So here´s the link to the latest Feeding Video - Hungry, Hungry Tarantulas

I don´t know what´s up with YouTube lately, but it´s not updating as it should.
I get 3 different view counts depending on where I look, and some subscribers have not gotten the notification when I post my videos.

So I just wanted to say that I´m sorry about that guys, but it´s out of my hands..
Hopefully YouTube will work it out soon.

But until then I´m enjoying my weekend off from work, and trying to catch up with a few videos.
I have a ton of videos that I want to make but I´m struggling to find the time to get them done.
I´m still not 100% used to my new work hours, but I will get back to it I promise!

So that was all for now, I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend!

Talk to you soon again

Take Care!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Archimandrita tessellata

Hi Guys!

So right now I´m still working on the next Tarantula Feeding Video for YouTube that will be uploaded on Friday.

But until then I wanted to share something else with you.
If you follow me on YouTube or on Instagram you already know that I keep a variety of other animals.

Yesterday I managed to capture one of my Archimandrita tessellata roaches just after a molt.
So I wanted to share that with you :D

So this is what they look like right after they crawl out of their old "skin".
They are completely white, but soon after they begin to darken back up again.

This photo is taken maybe 30-40 minutes after the first picture.
He dug back down under the substrate after I took this photo.
But if you want to see what they "normally" look like I have a video on my YouTube channel where you can get a better look at them.
I will leave the link here - YouTube

I got these guys as a gift from Morten at the last expo.
They are super friendly and really easy to care for, they do need to be rehoused again though.
These guys grow like crazy.

So I hope you guys liked this little post even if it wasn't related to tarantulas, but I made this Blog to show you a bit more of all the animals I keep and just day to day stuff :D

Well, that was all for now :D

Take Care!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Let´s Go Buy Some Fish

Hi Guys!

So here´s the latest YouTube Update - Let´s Go Buy Some Fish

If you follow me on YouTube you already know that I keep other animals as well.

I've had this aquarium running for a couple of years now, and many of the old fish has died off, so I thought it was time to add some new ones to the aquarium. 

Luckily there´s an awesome little shop in town that sell fish, they carry other things as well such as food for different animals and so on, but fish is the only live animals that they sell.

The store is called Akvariepiraten, and it´s a privately owned store that has been around since the 70´s and it is one of the oldest pet stores in town.

Their prices are without a doubt the best and the fish always looks healthy.

I´m not a big fan of the huge chain pet stores, the fish you get from there are usually heavily medicated to mask the fact that they are not in the best of health.

Well anyway, I´m super happy about my new fish and they seem to be doing great in the aquarium :D
If you want to check out my trip to Akvariepiraten then just follow the link at the beginning of this post.

They were nice enough to feed the Koi specially for me when I was there so I could get them on film.
Small things like that makes me love the store even more, they didn't have to do that, so I really appreciate it :D

Well I think that was all for now, I will leave the link to Akvariepiraten here as well if any of you want to check them out - Akvariepiraten

Take Care Guys!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Time To Move A Few Tarantulas

Hi Guys!

So yesterday I finally got around to move two of my tarantulas, I should have done it last week but I couldn't find the time.

I bought a bunch of new plastic containers last time I was at IKEA, I do prefer the glass enclosures but for juveniles and tiny mature males the plastic containers works just fine.

A lot of keepers prefer to always have their tarantulas in Critter keepers/plastic containers cause they whey a lot less than the glass enclosures.
But I, like I said prefer to keep my tarantulas in the glass enclosures.
The number one reason for that is cause I like to display them, I don´t have a separate room for my tarantulas at the moment, and I think it looks nicer if you have glass enclosures in the living room and so on :D

The tarantulas doesn't really care either way, as long as they have clean substrate, food, water and places to hide they will be happy.

But anyway, if you want a temporary home for your juveniles I can definitely recommend the plastic containers that I use.
They are from the IKEA "Samla" line and they come in a variety of sizes.

This is what they look like, you can buy separate "locks" for them to make sure that the lid won´t come off, it´s basically a piece of plastic that you snap on to the side of the container.

And you need to drill ventilation holes, otherwise the tarantulas will suffer from poor air quality and you will most likely experience issues with mold really fast.
You can either use a multi tool like I did or you can burn holes through the plastic with a soldering iron.

So what tarantulas did I rehouse?

Well first up was my mature male Ceratogyrus marshalli.

Rehousing this little cutie was really easy, he´s always been very calm and he has never tried to bolt on me.
He seemed to really enjoy his new home with all the added space, he went exploring for a few minutes then I found him in the corner grooming himself, I got a few seconds of that on film and I will try and add it into a Vlog on YouTube soon.

Since he is a mature male this will be his forever home, the males are so tiny (and cute).

Next up was my Thrixopelma pruriens.

Now this little one is usually super fast so I was a bit more worried about this rehousing compared to the C. marshalli.
He initially thought it was food time when I touched him with the straw so he grabbed onto it with his legs, but he didn't bite or anything like that.

The best you can do when you get a reaction like that from your tarantulas is to be calm and give them a second to figure out that it´s not food.
They react like this cause their instinct is to feed whenever possible, they don´t understand that all you´re trying to do is to give them a nice new home.

This is in no way a sign of aggression or anything like that.
He settled down in no time at all and then it was easy to direct him over to the new home.

So I´m super happy that they finally got their new homes, it´s such a satisfying feeling when a rehousing goes well.
I have a few more that will need an upgrade soon, but I have to go and get smaller containers for them cause they are still pretty small.

Anyway I think this was all for now :D

As always if you have any questions about rehousing a tarantula or if there´s anything else you want to know, feel free to contact me on my YouTube page or my Instagram.

Take Care Guys!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

FAQ #2 - What Do You Feed a Tarantula?

FAQ #2

What Do You Feed a Tarantula?

So this is also a question that I get quite often, so I thought we could go over that today.

First of all lets me just say that tarantulas can eat pretty much anything, in the wild they may eat insects, small frogs and lizards, birds, small rodents and so on.

Now does that mean that you will have to feed your tarantula all of this?
My answer is absolutely not.

Your responsibility is to give your tarantula sufficient amounts of good healthy feeders.

So let me begin with a short list of what I feed my tarantulas, and then we can talk a bit more about the individual feeders.

I usually switch it up from time to time what I feed my tarantulas, some variety in the diet is always good for all animals :D


This is what I give my tarantulas:

  • Flies (Fruit flies and house flies)
  • Crickets
  • Roaches (Dubia and red runners)
  • Worms (Meal worms and super worms)
  • Locust

So lets go over the feeders one by one.


When it comes to feeding the smallest tarantulas in my collection (the slings) I usually stick with fruit flies and house flies (and meal worm babies, but lets get back to that later)
Now there´s a couple of reasons for that:

#1 The fruit flies are tiny and they will not harm your tarantula.
#2 They will live for a long time if you keep them in the fridge, which is great when it comes to feeders for the slings since they won´t eat as much as a larger tarantula.
#3 They are really easy to get your hands on, at least here.

Now is this the only option when it comes to feeders for slings? Absolutely not.
You can feed your slings meal worm babies, pre-killed crickets and roach babies as well.

Dubia and red runners can be pretty hard to get your hands on here, so I have a small colony of my own and I usually let the roach babies grow to reproduce.
If you can find roaches easily then they make excellent feeders even for slings.


Crickets are probably the easiest feeders to find, most pet stores carry them.
And while they do make excellent feeders for your tarantulas, you always need to be a bit more careful when it comes to crickets.

Crickets can in worst case scenario harm your tarantula, that´s why it´s important to pre-kill the crickets if you are going to feed them to the slings for example.
It may sound like a cruel thing to do, but you need to think about the tarantulas safety as well.

If you want to use crickets as feeders, make sure that your tarantula takes the prey don´t just leave the crickets in the enclosure with your tarantula.
They won´t be able to seriously harm a large tarantula, unless they are molting.
It´s more the slings you need to be a bit more careful with.


So roaches, some of my tarantulas absolutely love roaches and some just won´t take them.
And for some reason roaches are really hard to find here, and when you do find them they are usually pretty expensive.

So a few pros and cons when it comes to roaches:

Dubia roaches gets pretty large in size when they are fully grown so if you have larger tarantulas in your collection they make excellent feeders.
If you breed them on your own, the baby roaches are small enough to feed to the slings.

What I don´t like about the dubias is the fact that they tend to play dead or bury themselves in the substrate, so if your tarantula miss them at first they might not get to them.

Red runner roaches are the favorite choice for many tarantula keepers.
They reproduce fast so if you want to start your own colony of roaches it´s very easy.
The babies are tiny and excellent for slings.

The only downside with red runners for me is the fact that they are almost impossible to find here, most stores don´t want to deal with them.

But I can definitely recommend them if you can find them.


And now over to the worms.
There are two types of worms that I feed to my tarantulas, meal worms and super worms.
Let´s start out with the meal worms.

Meal worms are easy to find and they are really easy to breed on your own.
The fully grown meal worms are great feeders for juveniles and sub-adult tarantulas.
You can of course give them to the adults as well, but you might need to feed them a couple of worms to fill them up.

If you do decide to breed them on your own, the meal worm babies are great for slings.
(I will post a guide to breeding meal worms soon as well)

The larger super worms are great for your larger tarantulas, my T. stirmi for example loves them.
But I have a few tarantulas that refuse to eat them as well, most of my poecilothera species prefer crickets or roaches over super worms for example.

What I don´t like about the worms is the fact that just like the dubia roaches they tend to burrow and your tarantula might not get to them.
And also a small warning when it comes to worms, specially the super worms.
They can be pretty mean and can in worst case harm your tarantula so never leave them unattended with your tarantula.

I´ve never had any issues myself but like I said in worst case scenario something might happen so just be responsible when it comes to feeding your tarantulas and you won´t have any issues :D


So last but not least, locust.
This is something that I feed my larger tarantulas from time to time, kinda like a snack.
They are much larger than all the other feeders so they will keep your large tarantulas full for a while.


So a few last words before I end this post.
I would absolutely never feed mice or lizards to my tarantulas, some choose to do so and I guess it´s up to every keeper to do what they feel is the best.

I have a couple of reasons to why I won´t feed my tarantulas any live or dead mice for that matter.

First of all there´s the whole calcium issue.
Some say that it´s a fact that too much calcium will cause your tarantulas to have issues with molting, and some say that it´s just a myth.
I can´t tell you for sure if there´s any truth to it or not, but I won´t take the risk.

#2 I don´t find it necessary to feed my tarantulas mice when there are other equally good options available

#3 Feeding live mice to your tarantula can cause harm to them.
Mice are tough animals, they will struggle and they have a mean bite, if they get a hold of the abdomen of your tarantula they can bite straight through it with ease, so keep that in mind.

#4 It will leave an absolute mess behind. 
When you feed your tarantula insects it leaves pretty much nothing behind for you to clean up, while mice will leave a mess behind that can potentially attract mites and other things you don´t want anywhere near your tarantula.

But like I said before you are responsible for your animal, what you decide to feed them is up to you.
So see this as suggestions, by no means do you have to follow my example.

And lastly all feeders have one thing in common, you need to gut-load them before feeding them to your tarantulas.
I will go over that more in another post, but what it means is that you need to fill them up with food before feeding them to the tarantulas.

So I guess that was all for now.
This post got Really long, but I get the question often enough and I wanted to give you the best answer I possibly could :D

If you have any other questions feel free to contact me either on my YouTube or on my Instagram :D

Take Care Guys!

Friday, March 1, 2019

YouTube Update - Friday Feeding Frenzy

Hi Guys!

Here´s the link to the most recent YouTube video: Friday Feeding Frenzy - Tarantulas Only

I decided to focus on the tarantulas for this video, I did film a few other animals but that will be posted in a separate video.

The Assassin bugs went nuts when I fed them and I didn't want to drag out the video for too long by adding them to this video.

It´s hard sometimes to decide if I should post a long video, I don´t know if you guys are up for watching 15+ minute videos every Friday.

I will try and get the Assassin bug video edited and updated as soon as possible :D

I also have a video of me going to the fish store to get a few new buddies for my aquarium, I will try and get that video up next week as well.

I think that was all for now :D

Take Care Guys! 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Another Molt Update!

Hi Guys!

So I have another molt update for you guys :D

The slings have finally started to molt one after the other.
I´m always happy when the slings are growing and doing well, some of them have finally begun to get some color to them.

My tiny Chilobrachys fimbriatus for example, after the molt the tiny stripes on the abdomen showed up, it has taken forever for this one to get some size to it.
It was basically a dot with legs when I got it :D

So these are the ones that have molted since the last time I posted an update:

  • Pterinochilus murinus DCF Botswana 
  • Brachypelma kahlenbergi
  • Chilobrachys fimbriatus
  • Acanthoscurria geniculata (sling)

I´m gonna try and get new photos of all of them but for now I will leave you with a 
photo of the Acanthoscurria geniculata :D

Take Care Guys!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

YouTube Update - Tarantulas & Feeders

Hi Guys!

So here it is, the latest YouTube Video: Friday Feeding Frenzy: Tarantulas & Feeders

I get the question from time to time: "What do you feed your tarantulas?"
So I thought it would be a good idea to mix in some information with the feeding video.

I do want to add some more "info" to my videos, but I don´t always have the time to do that, so I hope you will enjoy this video :D

If you have any other questions or want me to talk about some other subject in a video feel free to drop a comment on my YouTube or my Instagram.
You could try to leave a comment on this post as well, but it seems like it does´t really work all the time.

But I always read all my comments on YouTube and on Instagram so it might be easier to get in touch with me there :D

Take Care!

Molt Updates

Hi Guys!

So this was my weekend off from work, so I decided to take a little break from the Internet and catch up on some things I needed to do at home.

But now I´m back :D

I had a few tarantulas molt over the weekend as well:

  • Poecilotheria tigrinawesselli (one of the slings)
  • Pterinochilus chordatus
  • Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

My Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Blue) molted into a mature male.
I always have mixed feelings when that happens.

On one hand I´m really happy cause he made it from a tiny little sling to a mature male in my care, and that´s awesome and it makes you feel great as a keeper.

But on the other hand, specially with Blue I feel a little sad.
Blue is one of my absolute favorite tarantulas, and I know that I now have limited time left with him.

But I try not to think too much about it.
There are never any guarantees when it comes to animals to be honest.
Things can always happen so to say that oh a female would have lived longer isn't always true.

I do know however that I need to get another GBB after Blue.
It´s such a beautiful and awesome species and I definitely don´t want to be without them.

The Pterinochilus chordatus, I´m fairly sure that it´s a female.
I haven't been able to check the molt yet.
I've had her since she was a tiny little sling as well, but she usually messes up her molt so badly that it´s hard to know for sure.

But the males of that species are usually pretty small when they mature out.
So either it´s a female or it will mature out in the next molt, so either way I´ll find out eventually :D

And last (and smallest) the Poecilotheria tigrinawesselli.
This is one of my most recent slings, I got two of them as a freebie from Frank at the Expo.
And I do suspect that one is a female and the other one (the one that molted) is a male.

The reason why I suspect this, or it´s more of a guess really comes down to a couple of reasons.
They are slightly different in color, their behavior is completely different.
One of them has dug a hole under the cork bark and hangs out in there and the other one sits out for most of the time.

And also this one has molted more frequently than the other one.
But again I´m only guessing, so don´t take my word for it.
We will find out soon enough :D

So this was all for now.
I have a few other things that I want to go over but that will have to wait until the next post :D

Take Care Guys!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How Far Would You Go?!

Hi Guys!

First of all, I´m sorry that I have been MIA for a couple of days.
I lost my little dwarf hamster a couple of days ago and I needed a little break.

So the title of this post "How Far Would You Go?" it´s really something that I have been thinking about over the past couple of days.

For me, posting videos and posting my thoughts here on the blog for you all to hear, that´s something I do cause I think it´s fun.
I think it´s important that we help each other and that we share our experiences.
I think that the animals will benefit from that.

So when it comes to the whole subscriber count on YouTube, that´s something I don´t really pay that much attention to.
I will keep making the videos I make regardless if I have 5 subs or 5000 subs.

But it has become more and more clear to me over the past month or so that not everyone share that view, for some people it seem to be a popularity race.
And some people will go so far as to cheat.

I have a hard time with people cheating to get the upper hand, you get what you deserve, it might take a while longer but if you put out quality videos the subs will follow.

It´s so obvious when people do decide to cheat, it´s like a pyramid game.
This week everyone in that particular "circle" will go and subscribe to a few different channels.
And it´s enough that you take one look in the comment section and you will understand that those subs and comments are not "real"
But this way small channels can double their subscriber count in no time.

You need the "view time" on YouTube though and those subscribers won´t stay around to watch your videos, so you´re only fooling yourself in the end.

And you will lose the respect from other people once they figure out that you cheated.
Personally I will never have any respect for you if you cheat.

So yeah this was pretty much everything that I wanted to get off my chest.

With that said I think I´m gonna try and find a few new photos to show you guys.
Check out the "Pictures" tab to see photos of some of my tarantulas :D

Okay guys now I have to go.

Take Care!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday Feeding Frenzy

So here it is, the latest Feeding Video - YouTube

I wanted to feature more of the tarantulas, but I just didn't have the time to record it.
I´m still struggling a bit with all the new changes and I haven't really figured out how to manage everything with the time I have now.
But I will get there.

The most important is that all the tarantulas got food and water.
Filming is secondary to that.
At least I got a couple of good clips, my big Theraphosa stirmi was finally ready to eat again :D

She is a gentle giant but when she wants food then she will show you just how fast she can move.

So I hope you will enjoy the latest video :D

Take Care Guys!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

FAQ #1 - What´s a Good Beginner Tarantula?

FAQ #1 

What´s a Good Beginner Tarantula?

So, I get this question from time to time and I always address it when asked, but I thought that I could elaborate a bit further here :)

So what qualifies a tarantula to be called a good beginner species?
For me it´s a couple of things:

  • Temperament
  • Requirements 
  • Speed (in some cases)

So for me when I got my first tarantula I was still really afraid of spiders and I wanted to get a tarantula to get over my fears, along with the fact that I found them to be absolutely fascinating.
That´s where temperament came in, I didn't want to get a super skittish tarantula that would possibly freak me out even more when it bolted away.
This is also why I wrote "speed, in some cases", for me it was a lot easier to start out with a tarantula that had a calmer disposition.

I also wanted a tarantula that sat out in the open a lot to allow me to "interact" with it on a daily basis as a part of getting over my fear.  

And with requirements I mean that some tarantulas are more "basic" and some are very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity
Now if you have previous experience with reptile, frogs and such then you might be more used to what it takes to upkeep humidity and temperature and so on.
So you might feel that you can get a more advanced tarantula as a beginner tarantula.

I would say that the most important thing to think about when you´re getting a tarantula, or any pet for that matter is - find a pet that match your knowledge and comfort level.
In the end it´s you that will be responsible for the pet you buy :)

But I´m still gonna go over a few species that I feel are great beginner species.
But remember these are just my opinions :D

Grammostola pulchra:

The Grammostola pulchra or the Brazilian Black as it´s commonly called is a stunning species.
They are very easy to care for, they are docile and friendly.
They are good eaters, mine only refuse food when she´s close to a molt.

Now the downside to the Grammostola pulchra is that they can be very expensive and not everyone wants to start out with an expensive tarantula.

Brachypelma hamorii:

This was my beginner tarantula but back then they were sold as Brachypelma smithi (this was long before the revision).
Anyway, the Brachypelma hamorii is a fairly large species, mine sits out in the open for the most part.
I've never gotten a threat posture from this tarantula, she´s always docile and friendly.
The food response is great unless they are close to a molt.

The Brachypelma species are usually pretty easy to come by and they are not that expensive as slings/juveniles.

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens:

If you want a colorful tarantula that build beautiful webs, this is definitely the tarantula for you.
The Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens is fairly easy to maintain, they are friendly but they can be a bit skittish and fast moving at times, so that´s something to take into consideration.

They have an amazing food response and they usually hunt after their prey which is a pretty amazing sight.
Mine spends most of his time out in his web so I definitely get to admire him a lot.

Avicularia avicularia:

So maybe you want to start out with an arboreal (tree living) tarantula.
The Avicularia avicularia is a great choice, now they can be a bit sensitive as slings so I would definitely recommend that you study up on their husbandry before you decide to get one.

But they are extremely cute, they are out in the open a lot, they have a really good food response as well.
Now they can however move really fast (when they want to).

Grammostola rosea/porteri:

So what about the rose hairs?
The Grammostola rosea and Grammostola porteri used to be among the most common beginner tarantulas in the hobby.

They are easy to find, they are not expensive and they are very easy to care for.

Now personally I have never had any issue at all with my Grammostola porteri, she is super friendly and docile.
Not every keeper would agree with me though, some rosea/porteri´s can be quite moody but that´s not something I have experienced myself.

The one thing to think about with these species is that they can refuse food for a long time!
Mine went over a year without eating, but this is common and absolutely nothing to worry about.

** Last but definitely not least, let´s add one of the giants to the mix **

Lasiodora parahybana:

So what if you want to start out with one of the larger species of tarantulas?

I would say go with the Lasiodora parahybana.
The T. stirmi and T. blondi are absolutely gorgeous, but they are both a lot more expensive and a bit harder to care for.

The Lasiodora parahybana gets massive as well, but it´s very easy to care for.
They can be a bit moody when they are younger but they will calm down with age.
My large mature male is truly a gentle giant.

And there´s something special with seeing a tarantula that size taking off after their prey.

But this might not be the best choice if you are like I was in the beginning, a bit wary of spiders in general.


So these where just a few of the species that I would consider good beginner species.
There are plenty others that are easy to care for as well, but I though I could give you a few examples of what you might want to look out for when choosing a tarantula.

I will add more information and care guides to all the species I keep on this site as soon as I get some spare time to do so.

Until then if you have any questions feel free to ask :D

Take Care Guys!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My First Expo Experience - YouTube Video

Here´s the latest YouTube Video - Story Time: Remembering My First Expo

I have had plans to do this video for a couple of months now, but things kept coming in between.
Then I spoke to one of my subscribers a couple of days ago.
She was going to an expo and she had a few questions regarding that, so I felt that it was the right time to make this video.

Going to the expos as a beginner can be quite confusing to be honest, and that´s one of the things I talk about in this video :D

So if you want to hear more about my first experience going to an expo just follow the link over to YouTube and check it out! - YouTube

Take Care!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Bad Tarantula Keepers

Hi Guys!

As much as I dislike making posts like this, sometimes I feel that it´s necessary.
Recently a Video was sent to me featuring a girl mishandling her tarantulas.

Now let´s me start off with saying this, I´m Not gonna write her name here or share her channel.
It´s bad enough that she has gotten a lot of attention over the past couple of days as it is.

Now it´s extremely rare that I complain over someone else´s husbandry, cause to be honest we all have different preferences when it comes to decorating our enclosures.
What a tarantula need is pretty basic:

  • Substrate (That´s suitable for a tarantula)
  • Hide
  • Water bowl
That´s the 3 most important things that a tarantula will need.
Now personally I´m not okay with keeping it at just the bare basics, I like for my enclosures to look nice and some might say that´s just for your own viewing pleasure.
And yes, that´s partially true.
I do think it looks much nicer.

The best you can do is research where your tarantulas natural habitat is located and try to replicate that if you want.
I´m not saying that´s right and that´s wrong, personally I notice that my tarantulas are a lot calmer when they have plenty of things to hide behind/under or whatever.

 Anyway back to the topic.

This video that was shared with me showed a person that in my opinion is not suited to keep tarantulas or probably any animals at all.
The husbandry is so bad, keeping tarantulas on cedar wood is a huge no no!
Cedar wood is a natural pesticide and it´s very toxic to your tarantulas and can/will end up killing them.
A block of coco fiber cost almost nothing at all, so there is absolutely no excuse not to use it.

Secondly to handle or not to handle your tarantulas is something that I will leave up to you.
But if you do decide to handle them, be responsible.
Do NOT let them run around on your arm while you are standing up, a fall from that height can potentially kill your tarantula, their abdomens can rupture really easy.
If you feel that you have to handle them, do so on the floor or on your bed.

This girl was holding her tarantulas, restricting their movement, dropping them on the floor several times, it was truly a nightmare to watch.

I know that sadly there are a few people out there that loves to watch a train wreck, and they will continue watching her videos and hoping to see her get bit when she "play" around with her Cobalt blue.

But I´m begging you, Please think of the tarantula instead.
This is causing them so much stress!!

If you come across this person you will for sure know who I was talking about, but again please do not encourage this behavior.
Don´t believe a words she´s saying about tarantulas.
They are not reptiles, they are not poisonous (they have venom), you do not need to wear a mouth guard to enter a room where a tarantula is.
I can go on with all the craziness but I´m not going to.

If you ever have any questions at all please ask me and I will answer you.
I also put a section of this page dedicated to other Tarantula YouTubers and there are some amazing people on there already that could give you awesome advice!    

I´m sorry about the long rant but her videos make me so upset that I felt I had to get this off my chest.
Once again be a responsible tarantula keeper!
Animal cruelty is never something that should be laughed at!

If you made it to the end of this post I just want to say Thank You for reading it all!

Take Care Guys!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Aphonopelma seemanni: Maintenance & Feeding

Hi Guys!

Here is my latest YouTube video - Aphonopelma seemanni: Maintenance & Feeding

I needed to do some maintenance on the enclosure for my Aphonopelma seemanni, she had made a complete mess of her home.
She´s in a standard Exo-Terra (cube), which allow you to fill up on substrate, this little lady likes to dig, so I´ve placed her cork tube on an angle down into the substrate.
That´s usually where she likes to spend her time, and it allows her to burrow further down if she would like to do that.

Other than that it´s just a simple setup with some extra cork bark in the back to create a dark and nice retreat for her, some plants and of course a water dish.

I keep reading from time to time that tarantulas don´t need water bowls, NEVER believe that this is the truth.
Tarantulas need fluids to be able to function properly.
And it helps with keeping the humidity up in their enclosures.

I guess this was all for now :D

Take Care Guys!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tarantula Molt Updates

Tarantula Molts

As some of you might already know a lot of my tarantulas has been in pre-molt for the past couple of months.
Which is always nice cause that means your tarantula is healthy and growing and all that, but it has made me struggle a bit when it comes to the Feeding Videos :P

But Finally many of them has molted and a few are really close to a molt.
So I thought I would update you guys a bit on how it´s going :D

Molts January 29th:

  • Psalmopoeus cambridgei
  • Brachypelma verdezi
  • Davus pentalores
  • Nhandu chromatus
Molts February 6th:
  • Ceratogyrus marshalli (Mature Male)
  • Pelinobius muticus
  • Nhandu coloratovillosus

Hopefully more of them will molt soon.
The Pelinobius muticus is still just a sling but her colors changed a lot with this molt, she´s absolutely gorgeous :D

And my little C. marshalli molted into a mature male, the males are so tiny and cute.
I will be rehousing him into a slightly larger permanent home as soon as he hardens up a bit after the molt.

I guess that was all for now.
Tomorrow I´m going to start filming the video for Friday.
I´m thinking about filming a different take on the Friday Feeding Frenzy this time, but we´ll see.

Well until next time,

Take Care Guys!

Monday, February 4, 2019

New Video on Youtube - Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

New Video!!

So here´s the latest YouTube video, it´s another requested video.
This time featuring my Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens - Blue

I really do enjoy making these requested videos, so if you have any other suggestions for me just leave a comment here, on YouTube or on Instagram and I will do my best to make that video happen :D

Take Care Guys!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Today I rehoused my Lampropelma nigerrimum

Hi Guys!

So today I finally managed to rehouse my Lampropelma nigerrimum.
It was way over due, I tried to rehouse her last week as well but she refused to leave the old enclosure, and I didn't want to mess around with her too much.

But when I checked on her today I saw that her substrate was looking really nasty so it was definitely time to get her out of there.

It took a while but I managed to get her into the catch cup without any major drama, getting her out of the catch cup and into the new enclosure was a whole other story.

I always use a piece of bent wire to gently poke them in the direction I want them to move, but she didn't like that one bit and started to strike at the wire.
But I want to make it clear that this was not an act of aggression, she was just really scared.
And that´s why I always use the catch cup method with the more skittish species.
It´s safer for them and safer for me as well.

So last but not least I thought I would show you a little picture of my beautiful Lampropelma :D

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Friday Feeding Video

Here is is, the newest feeding video - Friday Feeding Frenzy

For this video I decided to feature FT again along with my Assassin Bugs.
I still have so many slings/juveniles that are in pre-molt or just recently molted.

For next weeks feeding video it´s finally time to give the Theraphosa stirmi some food again.
She should be really hungry and ready to eat by then.
She´s still stretching a lot after her molt so I wanted to give her a couple days more to get ready.

So what else is new?
Work is crazy and I´m constantly tired so that makes things a lot less interesting.
I do have a couple of collab videos coming up and a few projects on my own, but I´m not gonna reveal them just yet :P

You will just have to stick around for the new updates :D

Well now I have to run off to work..
Talk to you soon again.

Take Care Guys!!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

New Videos on YouTube

Hi Guys!

This past week was super busy, everything that has been going on at work has completely drained me of energy.
But I managed to get two new videos out on YouTube.

Friday Feeding Frenzy

I managed to capture a few tarantulas in this video that I don´t get to see that often :D
I also had to resort to some unconventional feeding tricks to get the food to the spiders since they refused to leave the lid to their enclosures.

Requested Video - Tomato Frog

And here we have the second one: Requested Video - Tomato Frog

I asked you guys in Friday video if there was a special animal that you would love to see in an upcoming video, I got a lot of good suggestions and there will be more of these videos coming up shortly.

I hope you enjoyed these videos :D

Take Care!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Theraphosa stirmi

So here she is guys :D

My beautiful T. stirmi, this picture where taken right after she was done molting.
Well maybe an hour after, I didn't want to disturb her to quickly.

But now she has started to stretch her legs a bit more and she´s huge, I really need to go out and get another "home" for her.
But I won´t rehouse her just yet, I will let her harden back up a bit before I attempt to move her.

I absolutely love the look of the T. stirmi, she almost look like she was made out of velvet, but don´t let that fool you, the urticating hairs from these guys are said to be absolutely horrible.
She has never flicked hairs at me and I always make sure to wear rubber gloves whenever I need to do maintenance on her enclosure, so I can´t speak from personal experience (thankfully)

Well this was all that I had to show you for this time.
Tomorrow I´m going to start recording the next Feeding Video that will be uploaded on YouTube on Friday.
I hope to see you guys then :D

Take Care!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

New YouTube Video

So here it is, my latest uploaded video on YouTube.
I try to post a feeding video every Friday.
Sometimes they are a bit shorter than I would have liked for them to be, but that´s the thing about keeping tarantulas, sometimes they want to eat and sometimes they wont.

Many of my tarantulas has been in pre-molt/molted over the past couple of months.
So hopefully the videos will be a bit more interesting in the future :D

I will leave a link here if you feel like checking it out - Friday Feeding Frenzy

What else is new?
Oh yeah, my Theraphosa stirmi finally molted last night :D
As soon as she´s done with her post-molt stretching I will snap a few photos of her and update you guys on how she´s doing.
But for now everything looks really good, and she´s massive :D

So I think that was all for now.

Take care guys, talk to you soon again! :D

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Re-Housing Day

Hi Guys!

So today I finally got around to doing a few rehousings, I bought a couple of new enclosures at the last Expo in December.
But due to a lot of changes at work and such I haven't really had the time to rehouse the animals until now.

The first ones to get a new home were my two Heterometrus petersii scorpions.
They are still pretty small, but I thought that a little more space wouldn't harm them :)
They are going to get a nice glass enclosure when they are bigger, but for now they got upgraded to a bigger "Bra Plast" box.

So here you can see a bit of their old home on the left and the new "Bra Plast" container on the right.
It´s about twice the size of their old home :)

And here you can see one of them in the new home, they really seem to enjoy it.
They do live together, at first when I got them I thought about separating them but they seem to love each others company so I decided to let them live together.
I suspect that one is a male and one is a female, it´s pretty hard to tell when they are this small.
But the one I suspect to be a male, constantly guards the female, it´s really cute :)

And now onto a tarantula.
My Poecilothera regalis finally got a new enclosure, I´m always a bit nervous when it comes to rehouse the fast moving old worlds.
But as it turned out, I worried over nothing.
This was probably one of the easiest rehousings ever :)
I absolutely love my P. regalis, she´s such a sweet tarantula.
She never gives me any threat postures, strikes or run around like crazy.

So here´s the new enclosure, I think it turned out pretty nice.
But most importantly the tarantula really seem to enjoy it :)

And here we have a closer look at the gorgeous P. regalis.
It´s still far from fully grown, but to me it´s huge compare to how tiny it was when I got it :)
The P. regalis is the first Poecilothera I ever got, and it will always be my favorite Pokie :D

I also rehoused my Monocentropus balfouri communal, but they will get their own post as soon as I can get a few pictures of them in their new home.
But all six of them are still alive and doing just fine, at least two of them had molted and that´s always a good sign.
It´s going to be really fun to watch them grow :D

So this was all for this time.
Tomorrow it´s time to get another feeding video posted on Youtube.
Talk to you then!

Take Care Guys!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Spider Web

Spider Web

If you keep tarantulas yourself then you are no stranger to "spider web".
But maybe some of you keep other animals or maybe you are just interested in animals in general, so I though I could make this post for you :)

One of the things that always fascinated me with spiders and tarantulas are their webs, now tarantulas won´t make the same kind of webs like orb weaver spider does, but I still think it´s pretty cool how they can produce silk.

Some tarantulas will completely web up their homes, while others will only lay a thin layer of silk on the ground.

Brachypelma boehmei
On the picture above you can see my Brachypelma boehmei, this is a terrestrial species of tarantula which means that they spend most of their time on the ground.
This species is not a heavy webbing species, when I took this picture I had just given him food and he use his web to tangle up his prey and that way make it easier for him to control it.

You can also see that he has a little bald spot on his abdomen.
New World tarantulas has something that is called urticating hairs that they use as a defense system, I will go into that a bit more in another post.
But when they feel threatened they can use their back legs to flick off hairs at their "enemy".
They can also use their urticating hairs to create a safe perimeter when they are close to a molt. 

Pterinochilus murinus UMV

Now, on this picture you can see one of my Pterinochilus murinus species.
The P. murinus build amazing "webcastles" in their enclosures, the web is used to sense when prey is near.
The P. murinus often dig tunnels under the surface and when a prey lands in their net they will instantly feel the web moving and shot out from their hide.
It´s absolutely amazing to watch them when they build their nets.

There are plenty of species that build gorgeous webs and if you are thinking about getting your own tarantula and want one that webs a lot, the Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens is a great species.
The P. murinus is gorgeous but keep in mind that it´s a fast moving Old World species which means that their venom is a lot more potent than the New World species.

But we will get into that a bit more in a future post as well.
For now I just wanted to share with you my fascination with spider web :D

Take Care Guys!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Lasiodorides striatus molted :D

Hi Guys!

If you have seen my videos from the latest Reptile/Exotic Animal Expo, then you know that I got a beautiful Lasiodorides striatus as a freebie from Frank.

I haven´t been able to show her off before since she was in pre-molt when I got her.
But now she has, I can´t say finally molted since I haven´t had her for that long, but anyway she has molted and I can finally show her off :D

So here she is:

Isn't she just gorgeous?!

I've wanted one of these guys ever since the first time I saw a photo of them, but this one is the first I have actually seen in real life.
This one is still just a juvenile and the colors will be even more stunning as it grows.
I don´t know if it´s a male of a female yet, I´m gonna check the molt later today.

Not that it matters to me, I love the male tarantulas just as much as the females :D

So I think that was all for this time, if I can tell by the molt if it´s a male or a female I will of course update you guys later on with that.

Until then:

Take Care Guys!!