Sunday, February 24, 2019

Molt Updates

Hi Guys!

So this was my weekend off from work, so I decided to take a little break from the Internet and catch up on some things I needed to do at home.

But now I´m back :D

I had a few tarantulas molt over the weekend as well:

  • Poecilotheria tigrinawesselli (one of the slings)
  • Pterinochilus chordatus
  • Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

My Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Blue) molted into a mature male.
I always have mixed feelings when that happens.

On one hand I´m really happy cause he made it from a tiny little sling to a mature male in my care, and that´s awesome and it makes you feel great as a keeper.

But on the other hand, specially with Blue I feel a little sad.
Blue is one of my absolute favorite tarantulas, and I know that I now have limited time left with him.

But I try not to think too much about it.
There are never any guarantees when it comes to animals to be honest.
Things can always happen so to say that oh a female would have lived longer isn't always true.

I do know however that I need to get another GBB after Blue.
It´s such a beautiful and awesome species and I definitely don´t want to be without them.

The Pterinochilus chordatus, I´m fairly sure that it´s a female.
I haven't been able to check the molt yet.
I've had her since she was a tiny little sling as well, but she usually messes up her molt so badly that it´s hard to know for sure.

But the males of that species are usually pretty small when they mature out.
So either it´s a female or it will mature out in the next molt, so either way I´ll find out eventually :D

And last (and smallest) the Poecilotheria tigrinawesselli.
This is one of my most recent slings, I got two of them as a freebie from Frank at the Expo.
And I do suspect that one is a female and the other one (the one that molted) is a male.

The reason why I suspect this, or it´s more of a guess really comes down to a couple of reasons.
They are slightly different in color, their behavior is completely different.
One of them has dug a hole under the cork bark and hangs out in there and the other one sits out for most of the time.

And also this one has molted more frequently than the other one.
But again I´m only guessing, so don´t take my word for it.
We will find out soon enough :D

So this was all for now.
I have a few other things that I want to go over but that will have to wait until the next post :D

Take Care Guys!

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