Hi Guys!
As much as I dislike making posts like this, sometimes I feel that it´s necessary.
Recently a Video was sent to me featuring a girl mishandling her tarantulas.
Now let´s me start off with saying this, I´m Not gonna write her name here or share her channel.
It´s bad enough that she has gotten a lot of attention over the past couple of days as it is.
Now it´s extremely rare that I complain over someone else´s husbandry, cause to be honest we all have different preferences when it comes to decorating our enclosures.
What a tarantula need is pretty basic:
- Substrate (That´s suitable for a tarantula)
- Hide
- Water bowl
Now personally I´m not okay with keeping it at just the bare basics, I like for my enclosures to look nice and some might say that´s just for your own viewing pleasure.
And yes, that´s partially true.
I do think it looks much nicer.
The best you can do is research where your tarantulas natural habitat is located and try to replicate that if you want.
I´m not saying that´s right and that´s wrong, personally I notice that my tarantulas are a lot calmer when they have plenty of things to hide behind/under or whatever.
Anyway back to the topic.
This video that was shared with me showed a person that in my opinion is not suited to keep tarantulas or probably any animals at all.
The husbandry is so bad, keeping tarantulas on cedar wood is a huge no no!
Cedar wood is a natural pesticide and it´s very toxic to your tarantulas and can/will end up killing them.
A block of coco fiber cost almost nothing at all, so there is absolutely no excuse not to use it.
Secondly to handle or not to handle your tarantulas is something that I will leave up to you.
But if you do decide to handle them, be responsible.
Do NOT let them run around on your arm while you are standing up, a fall from that height can potentially kill your tarantula, their abdomens can rupture really easy.
If you feel that you have to handle them, do so on the floor or on your bed.
This girl was holding her tarantulas, restricting their movement, dropping them on the floor several times, it was truly a nightmare to watch.
I know that sadly there are a few people out there that loves to watch a train wreck, and they will continue watching her videos and hoping to see her get bit when she "play" around with her Cobalt blue.
But I´m begging you, Please think of the tarantula instead.
This is causing them so much stress!!
If you come across this person you will for sure know who I was talking about, but again please do not encourage this behavior.
Don´t believe a words she´s saying about tarantulas.
They are not reptiles, they are not poisonous (they have venom), you do not need to wear a mouth guard to enter a room where a tarantula is.
I can go on with all the craziness but I´m not going to.
If you ever have any questions at all please ask me and I will answer you.
I also put a section of this page dedicated to other Tarantula YouTubers and there are some amazing people on there already that could give you awesome advice!
I´m sorry about the long rant but her videos make me so upset that I felt I had to get this off my chest.
Once again be a responsible tarantula keeper!
Animal cruelty is never something that should be laughed at!
If you made it to the end of this post I just want to say Thank You for reading it all!
Take Care Guys!
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