Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Meet Yoga!

Hi Guys!

So today I wanted to introduce you to one of my new little pets.
I should have posted this over a week ago, but a lot of things has been going on so I couldn't find the time to sit down and actually do this.

But here we go!

This is Yoga, my little female orchid mantis :D
I got her at the last expo, I didn't know that she was a female at the time, we picked the one that seemed to have the most energy.

But when I got home and we could take a better look at her, we found out that she´s a little girl.

It´s pretty easy to tell with these guys, I went over it a bit on my YouTube channel when I introduced her.
But in short, there´s a difference in the number of segments on their abdomen between the males and the females.
Also you can´t see it in this picture but on her "neck/back" she has a green little band.
That band on the males are more brownish in color.

And lastly if you look closely between her eyes you can spot a tiny "unicorn", that´s something that only the females have :D

So why the name Yoga, well I went over that in the video as well.
When I first got her out and tried to feed her she started to stretch her legs in really weird positions, which kinda looked like she was doing some sort of yoga, so that´s how she got her name :D

I´m over the moon about this little bug.
I've wanted an orchid mantis for such a long time, I think they are absolutely stunning :D

So if you want to see a bit more of her I will leave the link to the video right here - Yoga

So that was all for this time, now I have to get the next video ready :D

Take Care Guys!


  1. I think Yoga will quickly become a fave. Already has for this dude.
