Hi Guys!
So today I finally got around to doing a few rehousings, I bought a couple of new enclosures at the last Expo in December.
But due to a lot of changes at work and such I haven't really had the time to rehouse the animals until now.
The first ones to get a new home were my two Heterometrus petersii scorpions.
They are still pretty small, but I thought that a little more space wouldn't harm them :)
They are going to get a nice glass enclosure when they are bigger, but for now they got upgraded to a bigger "Bra Plast" box.
So here you can see a bit of their old home on the left and the new "Bra Plast" container on the right.
It´s about twice the size of their old home :)
And here you can see one of them in the new home, they really seem to enjoy it.
They do live together, at first when I got them I thought about separating them but they seem to love each others company so I decided to let them live together.
I suspect that one is a male and one is a female, it´s pretty hard to tell when they are this small.
But the one I suspect to be a male, constantly guards the female, it´s really cute :)
And now onto a tarantula.
My Poecilothera regalis finally got a new enclosure, I´m always a bit nervous when it comes to rehouse the fast moving old worlds.
But as it turned out, I worried over nothing.
This was probably one of the easiest rehousings ever :)
I absolutely love my P. regalis, she´s such a sweet tarantula.
She never gives me any threat postures, strikes or run around like crazy.
So here´s the new enclosure, I think it turned out pretty nice.
But most importantly the tarantula really seem to enjoy it :)
And here we have a closer look at the gorgeous P. regalis.
It´s still far from fully grown, but to me it´s huge compare to how tiny it was when I got it :)
The P. regalis is the first Poecilothera I ever got, and it will always be my favorite Pokie :D
I also rehoused my Monocentropus balfouri communal, but they will get their own post as soon as I can get a few pictures of them in their new home.
But all six of them are still alive and doing just fine, at least two of them had molted and that´s always a good sign.
It´s going to be really fun to watch them grow :D
So this was all for this time.
Tomorrow it´s time to get another feeding video posted on Youtube.
Talk to you then!
Take Care Guys!
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