Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Meet My New Snails :D

Hi Guys!

So a lot has been happening recently which forced me to take a little break from pretty much everything.
For those of you who follows me on YouTube, you already know that one of my rats passed away.
I took that really hard and I needed a while to get back into things.

But that´s not what this post will be about.
I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to my new snails :D

I was browsing a local site called "Blocket" it´s kinda like Craigslist.
And I looked under the animal section and came across these guys that needed a new home :D

The lady who sold them had bought them for her daughter but her daughter thought they were a bit creepy to deal with so they needed to get rid of them.

I've always wanted these giant land snails, and if you have seen my Expo videos you have probably noticed that I always film them while I´m there.
So I was really excited to find them and I thought that I could give them a nice new home.

I actually ended up getting them for free and she was even kind enough to drive to my home and drop them off, she just wanted them to end up in a nice place :D

She did tell me that there might be eggs already in the enclosure and I did a quick check to see if I could spot any eggs.
Apparently I didn't check the substrate enough cause a few days later when I was going to clean the enclosure I noticed something on the shell on one of the snails:

So this was what greeted me when I opened up the enclosure, two little snail babies.
My first thought was: well maybe only a few of them has hatched and I will have the time to get the eggs out of there before more of them hatch..

That didn't happen.
One after the other started to emerge from the substrate.
At that point I was freaking out a bit cause I was not prepared for snail babies at all.
I mean I know they lay eggs constantly but I thought that I would have a few days to make up a plan of what I would do with the snails once that happened.

I sent a text to my dear friend Bonnie (Bonniebadgers on YouTube) and told her what I found in the enclosure and she said that she would love to have some.
So 3 of the snail babies went to live with her :D
That made me so happy cause I know she will take really good care of them.

After that I called up Uffe at Tropikhuset and asked him if he could take some of them.
People use the eggs and the small snails to feed there Turtles and bigger Lizards, but I don´t have any turtles or large lizards myself.

We made a deal that I would keep all the snail babies until they grew to around 1-2 cm in size (size of the shell)

So yesterday I went over to Tropikhuset and dropped off 70! snail babies.
I kept 5 of them for myself, I would have loved to keep all of them but that would be impossible.
Specially since the adults have already started laying new eggs in the enclosure.

Eventually I will try and sell some of them, maybe at the Expo or something like that.
But they are easier to sell once they are bigger and I just couldn't keep that many at home.

I will update you guys in a few days with some pictures of how big the snail babies are now, they eat and grow like crazy!

Anyways I hope you are all doing well! :D

This was all for this time.

Take Care!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Meet Yoga!

Hi Guys!

So today I wanted to introduce you to one of my new little pets.
I should have posted this over a week ago, but a lot of things has been going on so I couldn't find the time to sit down and actually do this.

But here we go!

This is Yoga, my little female orchid mantis :D
I got her at the last expo, I didn't know that she was a female at the time, we picked the one that seemed to have the most energy.

But when I got home and we could take a better look at her, we found out that she´s a little girl.

It´s pretty easy to tell with these guys, I went over it a bit on my YouTube channel when I introduced her.
But in short, there´s a difference in the number of segments on their abdomen between the males and the females.
Also you can´t see it in this picture but on her "neck/back" she has a green little band.
That band on the males are more brownish in color.

And lastly if you look closely between her eyes you can spot a tiny "unicorn", that´s something that only the females have :D

So why the name Yoga, well I went over that in the video as well.
When I first got her out and tried to feed her she started to stretch her legs in really weird positions, which kinda looked like she was doing some sort of yoga, so that´s how she got her name :D

I´m over the moon about this little bug.
I've wanted an orchid mantis for such a long time, I think they are absolutely stunning :D

So if you want to see a bit more of her I will leave the link to the video right here - Yoga

So that was all for this time, now I have to get the next video ready :D

Take Care Guys!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

I´m Back!

So now when the Expo is over I finally have the time to catch up with this Blog.
I have had so much to do before and after the Expo :D

I got so many new awesome pets at the Expo and I have been working on rehousing them all and filming the process of rehousing them.

Today I will try and upload the first Pick up video from the expo, and after that I will start to post the individual rehousing videos.
So I really hope that you will enjoy those videos.

Right after this I will make sure to go over the YouTube video part of this blog and make sure that all the recent videos are added on to that list :D

So I guess that was all for now.
I hope you guys are doing great and that you had a nice Easter and everything like that :D

Talk to you soon again!

Take Care!!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Way Behind on Updates

Hi Guys!

I´m sorry that I haven't been able to update the blog in a week, things have been super hectic around here.
You can find all the links under the "YouTube Updates" part of this page.

The Expo is at the end of this week and hopefully after that I will be able to catch up with everything :D

I have a ton of videos planned as well so I hope you look forward to that as much as I do :D

Until then 

Take Care Guys!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

I Have Some Sad News

Hi Guys!

Let´s start out with sharing the link to the most recent video on YouTube - Feeding Time

Unfortunately this video did not turn out at all as planned.
Right from the start I knew that I had some sad news that I wanted to share with you guys.
Three days prior to filming this video I found my tiny E. murinus sling in a death curl, I immediately moved it over to a ICU enclosure.

Basically that´s just a container with raised humidity, and at first that seemed to help it out and for a second I thought that it might pull through but then it curled back up again.
So I tried to place it on a shelf where the temperature was a bit higher, and again it seemed to bounce back.
I kept that up for three whole days before it eventually passed away.

So that were the all the sad news that I thought I had to tell you guys about.
But then in the middle of filming the feeding video I took my beautiful female juvenile chordatus off the shelf only to find that she had passed away.

She was not laying in a death curl or anything like that, I would describe it looking more like a molt had gone wrong except it´s been almost a month since she molted and she ate just last week and she was perfectly fine.
So yeah after finding her like that I just felt that I can´t go on with filming this video cause there is no way that I can pretend like everything is fine.

So I just wanted to say again that I am really and truly sorry that this video turned out the way it did.
And also I want to say a Huge thanks to each and every one of you for your amazing support in the comments to this video.
You guys are really amazing!

Thank you and Take Care!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Top 5 Favorite Tarantulas ft. Tarantula Kat

Hi Guys!

Sorry for the late update, here´s the link to the latest video on YouTube - Top 5 Favorite Tarantulas ft. Tarantula Kat

I had so much fun making this video together with Kat, she has such an amazing collection of tarantulas and she was kind enough to get her gorgeous Grammostola iheringi on video for me :D

It was really hard to pick 5 favorites.
My list of favorites constantly change, I keep a lot of slings and as soon as they get their adult colors it´s like a completely different tarantula.

But in the end I do absolutely adore all of my tarantulas and other animals.
But it´s always fun to make different videos and letting you guys know the reasons why I chose a specific tarantula as a favorite that time :D

So I hope you will enjoy this video, and a huge thank you if you have already seen it :D

Take Care Guys!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sling Collection Tour and a Few Feeding Clips

Hi Guys!

So here it is, the latest YouTube video - Tarantula Slings Tour + Feeding Video

It´s been a while since I posted a longer video, I know many of you don´t have the time to sit down and watch a 20 minute video.
But you guys have been asking me for a tour of my animals so I thought that I would combine that with the Friday Feeding videos.

Next Friday I will feature the juveniles and maybe the sub-adults as well.
That video will probably not be as long as this one, but you never know :D

Well I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will talk to you again soon.

Take Care and have a great weekend!