Saturday, March 30, 2019

I Have Some Sad News

Hi Guys!

Let´s start out with sharing the link to the most recent video on YouTube - Feeding Time

Unfortunately this video did not turn out at all as planned.
Right from the start I knew that I had some sad news that I wanted to share with you guys.
Three days prior to filming this video I found my tiny E. murinus sling in a death curl, I immediately moved it over to a ICU enclosure.

Basically that´s just a container with raised humidity, and at first that seemed to help it out and for a second I thought that it might pull through but then it curled back up again.
So I tried to place it on a shelf where the temperature was a bit higher, and again it seemed to bounce back.
I kept that up for three whole days before it eventually passed away.

So that were the all the sad news that I thought I had to tell you guys about.
But then in the middle of filming the feeding video I took my beautiful female juvenile chordatus off the shelf only to find that she had passed away.

She was not laying in a death curl or anything like that, I would describe it looking more like a molt had gone wrong except it´s been almost a month since she molted and she ate just last week and she was perfectly fine.
So yeah after finding her like that I just felt that I can´t go on with filming this video cause there is no way that I can pretend like everything is fine.

So I just wanted to say again that I am really and truly sorry that this video turned out the way it did.
And also I want to say a Huge thanks to each and every one of you for your amazing support in the comments to this video.
You guys are really amazing!

Thank you and Take Care!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Top 5 Favorite Tarantulas ft. Tarantula Kat

Hi Guys!

Sorry for the late update, here´s the link to the latest video on YouTube - Top 5 Favorite Tarantulas ft. Tarantula Kat

I had so much fun making this video together with Kat, she has such an amazing collection of tarantulas and she was kind enough to get her gorgeous Grammostola iheringi on video for me :D

It was really hard to pick 5 favorites.
My list of favorites constantly change, I keep a lot of slings and as soon as they get their adult colors it´s like a completely different tarantula.

But in the end I do absolutely adore all of my tarantulas and other animals.
But it´s always fun to make different videos and letting you guys know the reasons why I chose a specific tarantula as a favorite that time :D

So I hope you will enjoy this video, and a huge thank you if you have already seen it :D

Take Care Guys!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sling Collection Tour and a Few Feeding Clips

Hi Guys!

So here it is, the latest YouTube video - Tarantula Slings Tour + Feeding Video

It´s been a while since I posted a longer video, I know many of you don´t have the time to sit down and watch a 20 minute video.
But you guys have been asking me for a tour of my animals so I thought that I would combine that with the Friday Feeding videos.

Next Friday I will feature the juveniles and maybe the sub-adults as well.
That video will probably not be as long as this one, but you never know :D

Well I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will talk to you again soon.

Take Care and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Quick Update

Hi Guys!

So I just wanted to post a quick little update video for you guys, I have been busy filming for a special video that will be uploaded on Friday.

So I thought that I could show you a little of what I have done and so on :D

I hope you enjoyed this little update even if it was really short.
If you haven´t checked it out already and you want to, here´s the link - A Quick Update

Take Care Guys and I´ll see you on Friday!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Hungry Tarantulas

Hi Guys!

So here´s the link to the latest Feeding Video - Hungry, Hungry Tarantulas

I don´t know what´s up with YouTube lately, but it´s not updating as it should.
I get 3 different view counts depending on where I look, and some subscribers have not gotten the notification when I post my videos.

So I just wanted to say that I´m sorry about that guys, but it´s out of my hands..
Hopefully YouTube will work it out soon.

But until then I´m enjoying my weekend off from work, and trying to catch up with a few videos.
I have a ton of videos that I want to make but I´m struggling to find the time to get them done.
I´m still not 100% used to my new work hours, but I will get back to it I promise!

So that was all for now, I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend!

Talk to you soon again

Take Care!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Archimandrita tessellata

Hi Guys!

So right now I´m still working on the next Tarantula Feeding Video for YouTube that will be uploaded on Friday.

But until then I wanted to share something else with you.
If you follow me on YouTube or on Instagram you already know that I keep a variety of other animals.

Yesterday I managed to capture one of my Archimandrita tessellata roaches just after a molt.
So I wanted to share that with you :D

So this is what they look like right after they crawl out of their old "skin".
They are completely white, but soon after they begin to darken back up again.

This photo is taken maybe 30-40 minutes after the first picture.
He dug back down under the substrate after I took this photo.
But if you want to see what they "normally" look like I have a video on my YouTube channel where you can get a better look at them.
I will leave the link here - YouTube

I got these guys as a gift from Morten at the last expo.
They are super friendly and really easy to care for, they do need to be rehoused again though.
These guys grow like crazy.

So I hope you guys liked this little post even if it wasn't related to tarantulas, but I made this Blog to show you a bit more of all the animals I keep and just day to day stuff :D

Well, that was all for now :D

Take Care!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Let´s Go Buy Some Fish

Hi Guys!

So here´s the latest YouTube Update - Let´s Go Buy Some Fish

If you follow me on YouTube you already know that I keep other animals as well.

I've had this aquarium running for a couple of years now, and many of the old fish has died off, so I thought it was time to add some new ones to the aquarium. 

Luckily there´s an awesome little shop in town that sell fish, they carry other things as well such as food for different animals and so on, but fish is the only live animals that they sell.

The store is called Akvariepiraten, and it´s a privately owned store that has been around since the 70´s and it is one of the oldest pet stores in town.

Their prices are without a doubt the best and the fish always looks healthy.

I´m not a big fan of the huge chain pet stores, the fish you get from there are usually heavily medicated to mask the fact that they are not in the best of health.

Well anyway, I´m super happy about my new fish and they seem to be doing great in the aquarium :D
If you want to check out my trip to Akvariepiraten then just follow the link at the beginning of this post.

They were nice enough to feed the Koi specially for me when I was there so I could get them on film.
Small things like that makes me love the store even more, they didn't have to do that, so I really appreciate it :D

Well I think that was all for now, I will leave the link to Akvariepiraten here as well if any of you want to check them out - Akvariepiraten

Take Care Guys!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Time To Move A Few Tarantulas

Hi Guys!

So yesterday I finally got around to move two of my tarantulas, I should have done it last week but I couldn't find the time.

I bought a bunch of new plastic containers last time I was at IKEA, I do prefer the glass enclosures but for juveniles and tiny mature males the plastic containers works just fine.

A lot of keepers prefer to always have their tarantulas in Critter keepers/plastic containers cause they whey a lot less than the glass enclosures.
But I, like I said prefer to keep my tarantulas in the glass enclosures.
The number one reason for that is cause I like to display them, I don´t have a separate room for my tarantulas at the moment, and I think it looks nicer if you have glass enclosures in the living room and so on :D

The tarantulas doesn't really care either way, as long as they have clean substrate, food, water and places to hide they will be happy.

But anyway, if you want a temporary home for your juveniles I can definitely recommend the plastic containers that I use.
They are from the IKEA "Samla" line and they come in a variety of sizes.

This is what they look like, you can buy separate "locks" for them to make sure that the lid won´t come off, it´s basically a piece of plastic that you snap on to the side of the container.

And you need to drill ventilation holes, otherwise the tarantulas will suffer from poor air quality and you will most likely experience issues with mold really fast.
You can either use a multi tool like I did or you can burn holes through the plastic with a soldering iron.

So what tarantulas did I rehouse?

Well first up was my mature male Ceratogyrus marshalli.

Rehousing this little cutie was really easy, he´s always been very calm and he has never tried to bolt on me.
He seemed to really enjoy his new home with all the added space, he went exploring for a few minutes then I found him in the corner grooming himself, I got a few seconds of that on film and I will try and add it into a Vlog on YouTube soon.

Since he is a mature male this will be his forever home, the males are so tiny (and cute).

Next up was my Thrixopelma pruriens.

Now this little one is usually super fast so I was a bit more worried about this rehousing compared to the C. marshalli.
He initially thought it was food time when I touched him with the straw so he grabbed onto it with his legs, but he didn't bite or anything like that.

The best you can do when you get a reaction like that from your tarantulas is to be calm and give them a second to figure out that it´s not food.
They react like this cause their instinct is to feed whenever possible, they don´t understand that all you´re trying to do is to give them a nice new home.

This is in no way a sign of aggression or anything like that.
He settled down in no time at all and then it was easy to direct him over to the new home.

So I´m super happy that they finally got their new homes, it´s such a satisfying feeling when a rehousing goes well.
I have a few more that will need an upgrade soon, but I have to go and get smaller containers for them cause they are still pretty small.

Anyway I think this was all for now :D

As always if you have any questions about rehousing a tarantula or if there´s anything else you want to know, feel free to contact me on my YouTube page or my Instagram.

Take Care Guys!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

FAQ #2 - What Do You Feed a Tarantula?

FAQ #2

What Do You Feed a Tarantula?

So this is also a question that I get quite often, so I thought we could go over that today.

First of all lets me just say that tarantulas can eat pretty much anything, in the wild they may eat insects, small frogs and lizards, birds, small rodents and so on.

Now does that mean that you will have to feed your tarantula all of this?
My answer is absolutely not.

Your responsibility is to give your tarantula sufficient amounts of good healthy feeders.

So let me begin with a short list of what I feed my tarantulas, and then we can talk a bit more about the individual feeders.

I usually switch it up from time to time what I feed my tarantulas, some variety in the diet is always good for all animals :D


This is what I give my tarantulas:

  • Flies (Fruit flies and house flies)
  • Crickets
  • Roaches (Dubia and red runners)
  • Worms (Meal worms and super worms)
  • Locust

So lets go over the feeders one by one.


When it comes to feeding the smallest tarantulas in my collection (the slings) I usually stick with fruit flies and house flies (and meal worm babies, but lets get back to that later)
Now there´s a couple of reasons for that:

#1 The fruit flies are tiny and they will not harm your tarantula.
#2 They will live for a long time if you keep them in the fridge, which is great when it comes to feeders for the slings since they won´t eat as much as a larger tarantula.
#3 They are really easy to get your hands on, at least here.

Now is this the only option when it comes to feeders for slings? Absolutely not.
You can feed your slings meal worm babies, pre-killed crickets and roach babies as well.

Dubia and red runners can be pretty hard to get your hands on here, so I have a small colony of my own and I usually let the roach babies grow to reproduce.
If you can find roaches easily then they make excellent feeders even for slings.


Crickets are probably the easiest feeders to find, most pet stores carry them.
And while they do make excellent feeders for your tarantulas, you always need to be a bit more careful when it comes to crickets.

Crickets can in worst case scenario harm your tarantula, that´s why it´s important to pre-kill the crickets if you are going to feed them to the slings for example.
It may sound like a cruel thing to do, but you need to think about the tarantulas safety as well.

If you want to use crickets as feeders, make sure that your tarantula takes the prey don´t just leave the crickets in the enclosure with your tarantula.
They won´t be able to seriously harm a large tarantula, unless they are molting.
It´s more the slings you need to be a bit more careful with.


So roaches, some of my tarantulas absolutely love roaches and some just won´t take them.
And for some reason roaches are really hard to find here, and when you do find them they are usually pretty expensive.

So a few pros and cons when it comes to roaches:

Dubia roaches gets pretty large in size when they are fully grown so if you have larger tarantulas in your collection they make excellent feeders.
If you breed them on your own, the baby roaches are small enough to feed to the slings.

What I don´t like about the dubias is the fact that they tend to play dead or bury themselves in the substrate, so if your tarantula miss them at first they might not get to them.

Red runner roaches are the favorite choice for many tarantula keepers.
They reproduce fast so if you want to start your own colony of roaches it´s very easy.
The babies are tiny and excellent for slings.

The only downside with red runners for me is the fact that they are almost impossible to find here, most stores don´t want to deal with them.

But I can definitely recommend them if you can find them.


And now over to the worms.
There are two types of worms that I feed to my tarantulas, meal worms and super worms.
Let´s start out with the meal worms.

Meal worms are easy to find and they are really easy to breed on your own.
The fully grown meal worms are great feeders for juveniles and sub-adult tarantulas.
You can of course give them to the adults as well, but you might need to feed them a couple of worms to fill them up.

If you do decide to breed them on your own, the meal worm babies are great for slings.
(I will post a guide to breeding meal worms soon as well)

The larger super worms are great for your larger tarantulas, my T. stirmi for example loves them.
But I have a few tarantulas that refuse to eat them as well, most of my poecilothera species prefer crickets or roaches over super worms for example.

What I don´t like about the worms is the fact that just like the dubia roaches they tend to burrow and your tarantula might not get to them.
And also a small warning when it comes to worms, specially the super worms.
They can be pretty mean and can in worst case harm your tarantula so never leave them unattended with your tarantula.

I´ve never had any issues myself but like I said in worst case scenario something might happen so just be responsible when it comes to feeding your tarantulas and you won´t have any issues :D


So last but not least, locust.
This is something that I feed my larger tarantulas from time to time, kinda like a snack.
They are much larger than all the other feeders so they will keep your large tarantulas full for a while.


So a few last words before I end this post.
I would absolutely never feed mice or lizards to my tarantulas, some choose to do so and I guess it´s up to every keeper to do what they feel is the best.

I have a couple of reasons to why I won´t feed my tarantulas any live or dead mice for that matter.

First of all there´s the whole calcium issue.
Some say that it´s a fact that too much calcium will cause your tarantulas to have issues with molting, and some say that it´s just a myth.
I can´t tell you for sure if there´s any truth to it or not, but I won´t take the risk.

#2 I don´t find it necessary to feed my tarantulas mice when there are other equally good options available

#3 Feeding live mice to your tarantula can cause harm to them.
Mice are tough animals, they will struggle and they have a mean bite, if they get a hold of the abdomen of your tarantula they can bite straight through it with ease, so keep that in mind.

#4 It will leave an absolute mess behind. 
When you feed your tarantula insects it leaves pretty much nothing behind for you to clean up, while mice will leave a mess behind that can potentially attract mites and other things you don´t want anywhere near your tarantula.

But like I said before you are responsible for your animal, what you decide to feed them is up to you.
So see this as suggestions, by no means do you have to follow my example.

And lastly all feeders have one thing in common, you need to gut-load them before feeding them to your tarantulas.
I will go over that more in another post, but what it means is that you need to fill them up with food before feeding them to the tarantulas.

So I guess that was all for now.
This post got Really long, but I get the question often enough and I wanted to give you the best answer I possibly could :D

If you have any other questions feel free to contact me either on my YouTube or on my Instagram :D

Take Care Guys!

Friday, March 1, 2019

YouTube Update - Friday Feeding Frenzy

Hi Guys!

Here´s the link to the most recent YouTube video: Friday Feeding Frenzy - Tarantulas Only

I decided to focus on the tarantulas for this video, I did film a few other animals but that will be posted in a separate video.

The Assassin bugs went nuts when I fed them and I didn't want to drag out the video for too long by adding them to this video.

It´s hard sometimes to decide if I should post a long video, I don´t know if you guys are up for watching 15+ minute videos every Friday.

I will try and get the Assassin bug video edited and updated as soon as possible :D

I also have a video of me going to the fish store to get a few new buddies for my aquarium, I will try and get that video up next week as well.

I think that was all for now :D

Take Care Guys!